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Foundational Principles

We will reference two of the most influential works of English language writing that have shaped how countless writers approach their craft. These seminal guides have impacted the writing world, setting clear, effective communication standards. The foundational guide for clear and concise writing is The Elements of Style, which emphasizes brevity, clarity, and the importance of proper grammar and punctuation—building on these principles, On Writing Well advocates for clarity, simplicity, brevity, and humanity, urging writers to craft precise, engaging prose that resonates with readers.

Revision Importance

These authors emphasize that revision is crucial for achieving clear and effective writing. Strunk and White1 advocate for the removal of unnecessary words and redundancies to enhance brevity and clarity. Zinsser2 highlights the importance of critically evaluating and refining one’s prose, he suggests most work can be reduced by 50% without losing any meaning. They view revision as more than just correcting grammatical errors; it is a process of refining and perfecting the message to ensure it is impactful and easily understood.


  1. Strunk, W., & White, E. B. 1. (2000). The elements of style. 4th ed. New York, Longman. Amazon
  2. Zinsser, W. (2012). On writing well, 30th anniversary edition: An informal guide to writing nonfiction. Amazon